Just to break my fall

I love black and white things. Especially black and white photography.

Black and white photos, or color photos of black and white stuff, for your amusement. All cobbled together from Flickr creative commons. Click photos for sources!

The city at night…

… pianos…

… the crispness of black print against white paper…

… black and white pictures of flowers…

… mint chocolate chip ice cream…

… rainy skies…

… silver…

… and Regina Spektor’s music video Fidelity.

I like that it is when she decides to stop keeping herself from experiencing true love that color appears. Like going with courage into a fuller experience, instead of keeping herself back by “protecting her heart truly.” And ripping the black ribbon necklace from her throat and throwing it on the ground when he offers her his heart, to the white pendant shattering, releasing all these beautiful colors.

For her, giving her own heart doesn’t only mean that the boy will be able to know her fully — it also means that she will be able to know him fully as well.

I suppose I love all the symbolism, from the rather surreal and spare black and white surroundings (but beautiful nevertheless) to the wild paint pigment smeared all over herself and the boy.

It gives me goosebumps.

And it breaks my heart… breaks my heart